Jingji Chen’s Personal Website
About Me
I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Purdue University under the supervision of Prof. Xuehai Qian. Before that, I was a Ph.D. student in Computer Engineering at the University of Southern California, also under the supervision of Prof. Xuehai Qian. I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University. My research interests majorly focus on mapping challenging workloads, in particular machine learning applications and graph processing applications, to different underlying hardwares efficiently with domain-specific systems. You can find my CV here and my Google Scholar Profiler here.
As a system researcher, I have designed and implemented various high-performance machine learning and graph systems (with more than 30K lines of code in total), including a distributed GNN training system (GNNPipe, paper in submission), an efficient and scalable distributed GPM (graph pattern mining) system (Khuzdul, ASPLOS’22), a compilation-based GPM system (DecoMine, ASPLOS’22) and a distributed graph processing system (SympleGraph, PLDI’20/TOCS). I am currently actively working on efficient LLM (large language model) serving systems. I have maintained a (non-comprehensive) list of LLM system papers here, and you are more than welcome to create a PR to update the repo :)
- Sept. 2022 Another paper gets accepted by ASPLOS’2023 (the 28th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems)!
- Aug. 2022 Tranferred from USC to Purdue University as a Ph.D. student in Computer Science.
- Aug. 2022 One paper gets accepted by ASPLOS’2023 (the 28th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems).
- May 2022 Start my summer research intern at Microsoft Research, Redmond.
- Nov. 2021 One paper gets accepted by ASPLOS’2022 (the 27th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems).
- July 2021 One paper gets accepted by TOCS (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems).
- Feb. 2020 One paper gets accepted by PLDI’2020 (the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation).
- Aug. 2019 Awarded the Annenberg Fellowship at USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
- Aug. 2019 Enter USC Viterbi School of Engineering as a Ph.D. student (in Computer Engineering).
- July 2019 Graduated from Tsinghua University (Department of Computer Science and Technology)!
- May 2022-Aug. 2022 Research intern at Microsoft Research, Redmond (the RiSE lab, supervisor: Saeed Maleki).
- July 2018-Sept. 2018 Summer research intern at USC (supervisor: Xuehai Qian).
- Jingji Chen, Zhuoming Chen, Xuehai Qian, GNNPipe: Scaling Deep GNN Training with Pipelined Model Parallelism (arXiv). link
Publications or Accepted Papers
- Jingji Chen, Xuehai Qian, Khuzdul: Efficient and Scalable Distributed Graph Pattern Mining Engine. The 28nd Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS’2023). link
- Jingji Chen, Xuehai Qian, DecoMine: A Compilation-based Graph Pattern Mining System with Pattern Decomposition. The 28nd Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS’2023). link
- Gengyu Rao, Jingji Chen, Jason Yik, Xuehai Qian, SparseCore: Stream ISA and Processor Specialization for Sparse Computation. The 27nd Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS’2022). link
- Youwei Zhuo*, Jingji Chen* (* equal contribution), Gengyu Rao, Qinyi Luo, Yanzhi Wang, Hailong Yang, Depei Qian, Xuehai Qian, Distributed Graph Processing System and Processing-In-Memory Architecture with Precise Loop-Carried Dependency Guarantee. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), Volume 37, Issue 1-4, Artical No. 5, 2021. link
- Youwei Zhuo*, Jingji Chen* (* equal contribution), Qinyi Luo, Yanzhi Wang, Hailong Yang, Depei Qian, Xuehai Qian, SympleGraph: Distributed Graph Processing with Precise Loop-carried Dependency Guarantee. The 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI’2020). link
- Aug. 2019 Annenberg Fellowship, University of Southern California.
- Oct. 2018 Award for Academic Excellence, Tsinghua University.
- Oct. 2018 Hengda Scholarship.
- Apr. 2018 Outstanding Winner(Highest award, 16/10000), ICM Contest, COMAP.
- Aug. 2014 Silver Medalist, National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), China.
- Aug. 2022-Present Ph.D. in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Purdue University (transferred from USC).
- Aug. 2019-Aug. 2022 Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California.
- Aug. 2015-July 2019 Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University.